What I eat before a run


A lot of people ask me what to eat before a run and I have had many failed attempts on what works and what doesn’t give me enough energy to sustain my run. When I first started running I assumed it had to always be a bagel and a banana because that’s what we always hear, right? Just as everything else in running, I would think this is a very personal preference but with that said, it also depends on what you need for each TYPE of run.


                  Before we get into the different types of runs and the requirements for each, I thought I’d share some tried and true snacks that have helped me. If you’ve never tried Aussie bites from Costco, I highly recommend these. They are made of mostly seeds, quinoa, and dried fruit. They’re 130 calories and honestly, one gives me so much energy and fills me up. I can pair that with half of a banana, some Nuun, a quick stretch and I’m out the door. Some others that I have come to love are Rx Bars, a piece of fruit, a small greek yogurt with berries, or a cherry chocolate larabar. 



Short runs during the week: Let’s say you’re just waking up early in the morning and need to get your short run in, I think it’s perfectly acceptable to run fasted. I consider anything between 30-45 minutes a shorter run and can make it through without needing anything besides some water or a Nuun tablet. The intensity on a short run is just to get your legs used to the mileage and isn’t full force.  I would make sure that the day and night prior, you had plenty of water. This will be key for you. The night before I would make sure to incorporate about 30 grams of carbs just to be sure you’ll have some fuel about 12 hours later.  A great lower fat, high protein and medium carb option would be: 130 grams of sweet potatoes, 100 grams of green beans, and 4 ounces of chicken. 


Speed or hills: You might need some extra energy; I would even suggest a tiny hit of caffeine if that helps. If you’re able to stomach running on an empty stomach with just some gels or blocks, a Gu would be a good choice just to give you a quick sugar fix. You of course can always do this with a more natural option like some dried or fresh fruit, paired with a hard boiled egg to give you a little protein before training (this will all come later in a post – PROTEIN IS SO IMPORTANT). Again, hydration. This should be a daily thing normally but especially when training for a run. 


Long runs:  This is where you can really experiment to find your groove. For long runs, typically anything over 90-120 minutes, I would always gravitate towards some oatmeal or some toast with peanut butter. Using a good complex carbohydrate source will slow down digestion and give you sustained energy over time. You could easily pair this with a simple carbohydrate like a small piece of fruit or some jelly on your toast which will act like a quick sugar into your digestive system. One of my new favorites is some sweet potato with some trader joe’s creamy almond butter. The combo might sound a little crazy, but it’s surprisingly satisfying. Once you’ve been properly fueled up for your run, don’t forget to leave with your choice of intra-run snacks. Side note: if you are a caffeine runner, I would suggest waking about an hour before your run to have a glass or two of water to get your body hydrated with water and electrolytes before your caffeine. 


                  What do you love to eat before a run? Has anything not agreed with your stomach? Please comment below and tell me your secrets!




Stay tuned for my next two posts in this series: “What I eat during a run” and “What I eat after a run”.